The HINGE Assembler


Software accompanying “HINGE: Long-Read Assembly Achieves Optimal Repeat Resolution”

CI Status: image


HINGE is a long read assembler based on an idea called hinging.

Pipeline Overview

HINGE is an OLC(Overlap-Layout-Consensus) assembler. The idea of the pipeline is shown below.


At a high level, the algorithm can be thought of a variation of the classical greedy algorithm. The main difference with the greedy algorithm is that rather than each read having a single successor, and a single predecessor, we allow a small subset of reads to have a higher number of successors/predecessors. This subset is identified by a process called hinging. This helps us to recover the graph structure directly during assembly.

Another significant difference from HGAP or Falcon pipeline is that it does not have a pre-assembly or read correction step.

Algorithm Details

Reads filtering

Reads filtering filters reads that have long chimer in the middle, and short reads. Reads which can have higher number of predecessors/successors are also identified there. This is implemented in filter/filter.cpp


The layout is implemented in layout/hinging.cpp. It is done by a variant of the greedy algorithm.

The graph output by the layout stage is post-processed by running scripts/ One output is a graphml file which is the graph representation of the backbone. This removes dead ends and Z-structures from the graph enabling easy condensation. It can be analyzed and visualized, etc.


For ecoli 160X dataset, after shortening reads to have a mean length of 3500 (with a variance of 1500), the graph is preserved.


Results on the bacterial genomes of the NCTC 3000 project can be found at